Enhanced Social Security Strategy Planner

Enhanced Social Security Strategy Planner

Enhanced Social Security Strategy Planner

"; } else if (maritalStatus === 'widowed') { spousalBenefits = "

Survivor Benefits: If your spouse has passed away, you may be eligible for survivor benefits, which could increase your monthly benefits.

"; } else if (maritalStatus === 'divorced') { spousalBenefits = "

Divorced Spousal Benefits: If you were married for at least 10 years, you may be eligible for spousal benefits based on your ex-spouse's earnings.

"; } // Disability benefits recommendation var disabilityMessage = ''; if (hasDisability === 'yes') { disabilityMessage = "

Disability Benefits: You may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which could provide additional monthly income.

"; } // Strategy suggestion var strategyMessage = ''; if (retirementAge >= fullRetirementAge) { strategyMessage = "Since you plan to retire at or after your full retirement age, your benefits will not be reduced."; } else if (retirementAge < fullRetirementAge) { strategyMessage = "If you retire early, your monthly benefits will be reduced. You will receive approximately $" + earlyRetirementBenefits.toFixed(2) + " per month if you retire at age 62."; } if (retirementAge >= 70) { strategyMessage += "

Since you plan to delay retirement until age 70, you will receive an increased benefit of approximately $" + delayedRetirementBenefits.toFixed(2) + " per month.

"; } // Display results result.innerHTML = `

Estimated Years of Social Security Benefits: You will receive benefits for approximately ${yearsOfBenefits} years.

Total Estimated Benefits Over Your Lifetime: You may receive a total of $${totalBenefits.toFixed(2)} based on your current plan.

Income Replacement Ratio: Your Social Security benefits will replace approximately ${incomeReplacementRatio}% of your current income.

Investment Growth (If Delayed): By delaying retirement and investing 5% of your income, you could grow your investments by approximately $${investmentGrowth}.

${spousalBenefits} ${disabilityMessage}


`; });