10 Golden rules of trading from Trading in the zone Book

If you want to be successful in trading you should follow some golden rules of trading which we will learn today from the book Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. A successful trader always follows these rules and enjoys a lavish life.

Golden Rules of Trading

  1. Always remain Disciplined, calm Focused, and confident in the adverse market condition.
  2. Learning to accept the risk is a trading skill in the share market.
  3. Accept the fact that losses and profits are a part of the process.
  4. Always have an entry and exit plan before taking any trade.
  5. Always focus on the process rather than the results.
  6. Don’t take too many trades. Overtrade is a curse. 
  7. Consistency is the key to success in the share market.
  8. Try to stay calm and don’t fear or greed.
  9. Don’t try to control the market instead control yourself.
  10. Learn from the mistakes and try to avoid the same mistake next time.

Try to follow these rules to get the best result in the journey of successful trading.